Notice to the Trip:
1.It is advisable to keep at hand a copy of "Princes of the Black Bone: Life in Tibetan Borderland", which is available on Internet. Browsing the book can provide a glimpse of the trip.
2. Before setting out, each member is required to sign "the Agreement upon Personal Liability during the Trip" (Appendix #2). Copy of ID is also required.
3. Prior to the trip, copies of Trip Insurance, which is supposed to be purchased by each participant, should be submitted.
4. The expenditure incurred during the trip should be the responsibility of each participant, which is estimated somewhere between 600 RMB to 1000 RMB and mainly used for transportation, food, and accommodation.
5. Those who are unable to continue the trip may go back by bus or train anytime they want.
Estimate Travel Time: July 19-28, 2008
Trip Schedule:
1. July 19, members congregate in Chengdu, discussing what needs attention during the trip and signing the Agreement. Make sure that each member has trip necessities prepared.
2. July 20, take a train via Cheng-Kun Railway, to the destination of Wu Si He. Stay at Han Yuan County for the night and get familiar with the legend route as well as related issues.
3. July 21-28, hike the route: Wu Si He Railway Station---Fulin Town in Hanyuan County---Dashu Town---Henan village---Shen Guo in Ganluo County---Ping Ba---Yao Chang---Shuang Ma Cao---Tang Jia Wan---Hai Tang Town---Xi Qiao---Zheng Xi---Lao Ka Zi---Qing Shui---La Mei Ying---Xi Fan Zai---Liao Ping---Lao Liao Ye Gou---Bai Sha Gou---Mei Hua Village in Yue Xi County---Bao An Village (Old La Mei Ying)---Ban Qiao Village---Xin Min Town---Da Tun Village---Yue Xi Town in Yue Xi County.
Trip Planner: Ma Linying, Development Research Center for Aid-the-Poor Programmes
阅读《彝人首领》(和铹宇译,四川文艺出版社,2004年版)一书, 看到顾彼得走过的地方山水秀美、到处呈现出世外桃源的迷人风景。他眼里的自然山川是:“在中国所谓的河流中,如果扬子江是皇帝的话,那么大渡河就一定是一位高贵的公主,美得难以用言辞来形容,她就像普契尼娜幕不朽的歌剧――图兰朵中的公主一样,高深莫测、任性和对敌人的残暴。她毫不费力地穿过迷途的旅人可能漫游过的神秘土地,像亚马逊河上游一样,这里许多地方仍未经发现和探索过”。描写的自然美景是:“尘世之中怎能想象出如此精美绝伦的天堂?”“我惊叹道,我已被眼前无比雄伟壮丽的景色所征服和陶醉,看到造物主神奇的造化令人不由得感动得泪水盈眶,人类渺小的艺术如何能与大自然气象万千的神圣境界相提并论?”“渐渐地一些俗不可耐的念头涌上我的心头‘在这里建一座大酒店该多好啊!’世界上没有其他地方可以如此集中地展现它的美景!”……。这些美景着实让人感动大自然的造化,彝族民风一直激励我们想前往体念生活多样性一番。于此,我们策划自助徒步结伴旅行的目的在于――亲近大自然和领略彝族文化,以便治疗都市生存引发的“缺乏空气清馨症”、“生活技能简单症”!
Reading the book, we cannot restrain ourselves from being amazed at this haven of peace, where scenery mountains and rivers are breathtakingly beautiful. A natural picture scroll is unfolded as Peter Goullart wrote:
"If the Yangtze River is the empress of all the rivers of China, surely the Tatu is the glorious princess---beautiful beyond words, enigmatic, willful and cruel to her enemies like Princess Turandot in Puccinis immortal opera. She passed unchallenged through mysterious lands where the stray traveller may have wandered, but which still remained as much undiscovered and unexplored as the upper reaches of the Amazon." "Was there any other conception of an earthly paradise which could rival this? I wondered. I was overcome and prostrated by the vision of this splendour, tears gathering in my eyes at the revelation of Gods magic of creation. How could puny human art be compared to the transcendent flight of Divine phantasy?.... Gradually more mundane thoughts came to me: what a site for a hotel! No other place in the world could offer such concentrated beauty of scenery."
Awakened by magnificent description of nature in the book, we also become fascinated by the customs of Yi people. We hope to learn more and immerse in a colorful ethnic culture to experience what diversity really is. Hence the backpacking plan. Another contribution to the birth of this plan is our recognition of "fresh-air lacking syndrome" as well as "syndrome of diluted surviving capability", which are quite popular in urban dwellers. This trip can be a cure, providing the very therapy we need.
Backpacking Plan (1): Following "the Course of Empire"
Why do we plan this backpacking trip?
1939年至1940年间,一位俄国人旅行家顾彼得梦寐以求想要见到“这些骁勇剽悍的部族几个世纪以来一直挫败着庞大的汉地,在汉语言文学里,他们被描述成世界上最勇猛和无情的战士而名垂千古”的彝族人,从打箭炉(今甘孜州康定县),经由今汉源县的了野沙坪、黑马、富林、汉源街,甘洛县的田坝、海棠,越西县的梅花、新民等彝族地区,最后到达西昌再返康定。他称此行为“帝国之行”,并在日后将旅行所见所闻、所思所想汇聚整理出版了《彝人首领》2004(Princes of the Black Bone: Life in Tibetan Borderland)1959。
From 1939 to 1940, Peter Goullart, a Russian traveller, set out from Tachienlu (Kang Ding County ) and travelled through Yeshaping, Heima, Fulin, and Hanyuanjie in Han Yuan County, Tianba, Haitang in Gan Luo County, and Meihua, Xinmin in Yue Xi County before arriving at Xi Chang and then went all the way back to Kang Ding. He had dreamt of meeting Yi people--- "those fierce tribesmen who for centuries defied the might of the Chinese Empire and were immortalized in Chinese literature as the most ferocious and ruthless warriors in the world." He called the route he set his steps on "the Course of Empire" and what he had seen inspired him to write the book "Princes of the Black Bone: Life in Tibetan Borderland"